Our Latest Florist Choice Bouquet
It’s our first florist’s choice bouquet of the new year! This mix not only delivers a stunning bunch of flowers but a gesture of optimism and renewal.
This week’s florist’s choice was selected with hope in mind! Many are feeling the post-Christmas slump and the infamous January blues. We really wanted to create a bouquet to add a little cheer to your rooms now the decs are down. Tulips take centre stage in this bouquet, working extra hard to liven things up and serve as a little reminder that spring is just around the corner.
An energetic mix of vibrant Tulips complimented by delicate Lisianthus and elegant stems of Veronica are sure to add colour to any room and inspire thoughts of spring and sunshine.
We can’t wait to see what the coming season brings and continue developing our florists' choice bouquets!